Muyi Aina is a seasoned management consultant and public health professional with several years experience in healthcare and management consulting. He is principal at Solina Group and leads the development and management of the company’s global portfolio of projects and partnerships. He has led several projects in Solina including development of an innovative & sustainable model of engaging private for profit facilities in the delivery of HIV/AIDS services. This PEPFAR funded initiative is currently being implemented in five Nigerian states to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic.Muyi has also worked on several projects aimed at improving immunization performance in Nigeria including the landmark study, landscape study of Routine Immunization in Nigeria (LARI) and transformation of the National and State Vaccine logistics and Supply Chain system.
He also runs non-health care projects including the Youth Enterprise With Innovation in Nigeria (YouWiN) program of the Federal Government of Nigeria. YouWiN is an annual business plan competition that culminates in the selection of 1200 award winners each year who receives up to 10 million naira in business start up or expansion grant funding from the government.
Prior to founding Solina Group, Muyi was an Engagement Manager at McKinsey and company, a leading global management consulting firm. In this capacity, he worked on a myriad of projects that spanned a variety of topics including strategy, organizational and operational performance transformations, mergers and acquisitions. He was on the faculty at the University of Maryland School where he helped implement AIDS Relief, a multi-country anti-retroviral treatment program funded by PEPFAR. He was also a part of the panel of experts that developed WHO guidelines for clinical mentoring to support scale up of antiretroviral treatment in resource-limited settings.
Muyi received his medical degree from University of Ilorin in Nigeria, and holds an MPH in International Health from Harvard University and a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He also earned a certificate in vaccine science and policy from Johns Hopkins University.